ACS Applied Computer Science

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Dysphonia is a prevalent symptom of some respiratory diseases that affects voice quality, even for prolonged periods. For its diagnosis, speech-language pathologists make use of different acoustic parameters to perform objective evaluations on patients and determine the type of dysphonia that affects them, such as hyperfunctional and hypofunctional dysphonia, which is important because each type requires a different treatment. In the field of artificial intelligence this problem has been addressed through the use of acoustic parameters that are used as input data to train machine learning and deep learning models. However, its purpose is usually to identify whether a patient is ill or not, making binary classifications between healthy voices and voices with dysphonia, but not between dysphonias. In this paper, harmonic-to-noise ratio, cepstral peak prominence-smoothed, zero crossing rate and the means of the Mel frequency cepstral coefficients (2-19) are used to make multiclass classification of voices with euphony, hyperfunction and hypofunction by means of six machine learning algorithms, which are: Random Forest, K nearest neighbors, Logistic regression, Decision trees, Support vector machines and Naive Bayes. In order to evaluate which of them presents a better performance to identify the three voice classes, bootstrap.632 was used. It is concluded that the best confidence interval ranges from 87% to 92%, in terms of accuracy for the K Nearest Neighbors model. Results can be implemented in the development of a complementary application for the clinical diagnosis or monitoring of a patient under the supervision of a specialist.

  • APA 7th style
Bello Rivera, M. A., Reyes García, C. A., Talavera Rojas, T. C., Quintero Flores, P. M., & Pérez Loaiza, R. E. (2023). Automatic identification of dysphonias using machine learning algorithms. Applied Computer Science, 19(4), 14–25.
  • Chicago style
Bello Rivera, Miguel Angel, Carlos Alberto Reyes García, Tania Cristal Talavera Rojas, Perfecto Malaquías Quintero Flores, and Rodolfo Eleazar Pérez Loaiza.  „Automatic Identification of Dysphonias Using Machine Learning Algorithms." Applied Computer Science 19, no. 4 (2023): 14–25.
  • IEEE style
M. A. Bello Rivera, C. A. Reyes García, T. C. Talavera Rojas, P. M. Quintero Flores, and R. E. Pérez Loaiza, „Automatic identification of dysphonias using machine learning algorithms,” Applied Computer Science , vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 14–25, 2023, doi: 10.35784/acs-2023-32.
  • Vancouver style
Bello Rivera MA, Reyes García CA, Talavera Rojas TC, Quintero Flores PM, Pérez Loaiza RE. Automatic identification of dysphonias using machine learning algorithms. Applied Computer Science. 2023;19(4):14–25.